I love the look of a turban on a woman. I think it is a great way to show off a beautiful face. Plus, it can serve as a quick solution on a bad hair day.
Some are fancy…
Some are casual…
And some should only be worn in the boudoir…
While there are many variations of turbans for women, a boudoir turban is a fabulous item to own. I recently purchased one in “My Little Boudoir” blue. It’s called a Turbie Twist. It can be used on wet or dry hair. It is a great way to keep your hair out of the way while applying make-up, keep it dry while bathing, or keep wet (just washed) hair off the bed (I can’t stand wet hair on a pillow), all while providing a glamorous look.
Why not just use a towel, you ask? Let me tell you why. You see, the Turbie Twist is not heavy like a regular towel and doesn’t fall off every time you turn your head. It is super absorbent, light-weight, made of 100% cotton (terry interior/velour exterior) and has an elastic loop in the back to keep it all in place.
Don’t worry, I wouldn’t keep such a fantastic item all to myself. I bought an extra one for a very special reader of MyLittleBoudoir.com. I will select the winner of the turquoise Turbie Twist on Saturday March 13, 2010 at 11:59 p.m. (Pacific) using random.org.
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