Sitting at my desk today I was alerted by a text message (from one of the various news outlets that I subscribe to) of the sad news that the lovely Lauren Bacall passed away. Of all the starlets of old Hollywood, Lauren Bacall’s (how shall I say) spunk, chutzpah, bravado…call it what you want…is something …
Tag: Lauren Bacall
Mademoiselle Monday: Mlle Bacall
“A woman isn’t complete without a man. But where do you find a man – a real man – these days?” -Lauren Bacall “I am essentially a loner.” -Lauren Bacall “It’s inappropriate and vulgar and absolutely unacceptable to use your private life to sell anything commercially, but I think it’s kind of a sickness.” -Lauren …
Vogue (…not the magazine)
As you may have noticed by listening to the My Little Boudoir Soundtrack, I love Madonna’s song Vogue (I also love the magazine). My favorite part of the song is when she names the silver screen movie stars. Here is a visual rendition for your viewing pleasure… Greta Garbo… …and (Marilyn) Monroe… …(Marlene) Dietrich… …and …
Thinking Outside the Boudoir: How to Marry a Millionaire
Sometimes it’s about having more than just your Boudoir. It’s about having a fabulous home in general. We often see examples of extravagant homes we would love to own on TV or in the movies. Though there are those that, while not super fancy, we still adore. Maybe it’s because we love the movie or …