As you may have noticed by listening to the My Little Boudoir Soundtrack, I love Madonna’s song Vogue (I also love the magazine). My favorite part of the song is when she names the silver screen movie stars. Here is a visual rendition for your viewing pleasure…
Greta Garbo…
…and (Marilyn) Monroe…
…(Marlene) Dietrich…
…and (Joe) DiMaggio…
…Marlon Brando…
…Jimmy Dean…on the cover of a magazine…
…Grace Kelly…
…Harlow, Jean (Jean Harlow)…picture of a beauty queen…
…Gene Kelly…
…Fred Astaire…
…Ginger Rogers…dance on air…
They had style, they had grace…Rita Hayworth, gave good face…
…Lauren (Bacall)…
…Katherine (Hepburn)…
…Lana (Turner), too…
…Bette Davis…we love you…
Ladies with an attitude, fellas that were in the mood, don’t just stand there, let’s get to it, strike a pose there’s nothing to it…
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