This past Sunday marked one year from my Grandmother’s passing. So, I wanted to take a moment today to create a post in her honor.
I was very close to my grandma Ellen, who I also called “Grameo” (I guess as a child I heard somebody on TV say Daddy-O and thought it would translate well to Grammy-O), and while she lived in California and I in Washington, I was fortunate to have many long visits with her. I really cherish the times that we had together sharing family stories, going through old photographs and watching old movies. She was such a beautiful woman both inside and out and would have done anything for those whom she loved.
I wanted to share some pictures of her so that you can see how stylish she was. Even as she got older, she was always dressed in slacks and a blouse with her hair in place and lipstick on. I love these photos. The red dress is darling and the white jacket is a dream…
My other Grandmother, Betty, is equally beautiful and loving. You’ll meet her soon…