Boudoir Noir

How sweet is my husband to send me a link that would inspire me so, that I chose it for today’s post?

The photos that you see below, show off the interior of Cindi Gallop’s (CEO of, former chairwoman of  advertising giant BBH, and self-proclaimed feminist) home. You see though, this is not just any home. This home was formerly the locker room of one of the first YMCA clubs in the United States.

It’s like she has a boudoir for her entire home. I must say, the transformation is fabulous! Of her home, Cindi says, “…at night, I want to feel like I’m in a Shanghai nightclub…”

This is Cindi…


This is her home…
(note the Gucci chainsaw on the table, interesting, but is très magnifique for this place)


Is this display of shoes boudiful (boudoir + beautiful), or what?


Oh, how I do love a library in the home…


Love this mirror and the oversized sepia wall portraits.


I wonder if the book display to the right of the kitchen is cook books.
(and, no, I’m not talking about the one that the Pope is holding)


I would really like to  know what these delightful little pink and black
packages are, that she has displayed in her bathroom.




Sources: and

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