I interrupt the regular Sunday’s Best series, to share some very sad news…..
While I was visiting some of my favorite blogs from my blogroll yesterday morning, I naturally stopped by Bumpkin On A Swing to see what Lisa was writing about. I was shocked to see a guest post titled, “In Loving Memory“, telling of Lisa’s recent passing.
Even though I don’t personally know Lisa, I sat at my computer and cried. I then cried again when I read Trish’s post at Pink Preppy Lilly Lover (Trish was Lisa’s bestie). In three short weeks a very aggressive form of ovarian cancer took over Lisa’s body, and she passed away. She was only 40. It is truly heartbreaking.
If you’ve read Lisa’s blog, Bumpkin on a Swing, you will gather that she was a happy-go-lucky gal who, while having a taste for the finer things in life, was very down-to-earth and had a heart of gold. This is evident in her many posts about animal rescue and the Gulf Coast oil clean-up.
Lisa always showed a lot of support for My Little Boudoir, by leaving nice comments and kind feedback, for which I am greatful. She was very thankful for the Sunday’s Best post that I wrote about Bumpkin on a Swing. It featured her a post from her “Wordless Wednesday” series on the topic of Chanel. Therefore, I dedicate this upcoming week of Chanel themed posts on My Little Boudoir to Lisa, our Angel On A Swing.
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